Sunday, January 29, 2012

Perfect Meatloaf Pan - Review

I see a lot of infomercials and they are always tempting - they definitely know how to make their products sound good! I have, in the past, tried a few of the items and was mostly disappointed in the products.

Before Christmas I started seeing the ads for the Perfect Meatloaf pan, and as always it really sounded good. I love meatloaf but very rarely make it because I haven't really found a way to cook it without having the bottom sitting in fat, and I DON'T want the extra fat in my diet, so this pan sounded GOOD! But, I've been burnt before so I'm no easy sell. Then I started seeing the pans in the "As Seen on TV" section at Walmart. Oh No, I was in trouble then because I could get it now and not even have to pay shipping - WOW!

One day just before Christmas I went into Walmart - the temptation devil was, unknown to me, riding on my shoulder. Of course, I came out of the store with not just one for me but one for my girlfriend also. She called me last week to say she had finally used hers and LOVED it!

Well, I had to get on the ball and try mine. And I have to say, I agree with her. I love mine too!

The pan is heavier duty than I expected it to be. After washing it and spraying it with cooking spray as instructed in their booklet I mixed up my favorite meatloaf recipe and placed it in the pan and than in the oven. When the meatloaf was done I removed it from the oven and, while holding my breath, lifted the pan insert. It lifted right out and there on the bottom of the pan was a layer of fat - below the level of the insert - so my meatloaf had not been touching it. Really good first step! Next I tilted the insert to see if my meatloaf would just slide off and onto my plate as it did in the infomercial. And once again I was impressed - it slid right off. There was no fat on the plate with my meatloaf - I'm a happy camper. The pan cleaned up easily also.

So overall, I think this is a really great pan and I'm not in the least sorry for my purchase. Meatloaf will definitely be on the menu more often now!!

I found my pan at Walmart. If you don't have a store nearby that sells them, they are available at

1 comment:

  1. They are great pans aren't they! I did purchase mine on line, ages ago, and have never regretting spending that little extra for the shipping, my pan has so been worth it.
